In order to provide personalized services, this website only uses cookies to help smoother operation of this website, and will not trace or save any actions you’ve performed outside of this website please pay special attention that when you connect to other websites from this website, other websites might have different cookies policies and regulations, this website cannot control and is not responsible for these policies or regulations. If for business needs we need to outsource to a third party to provide the service, this company will also rigorously demand them to comply with the confidentiality obligations, and take the necessary checking procedures to make sure that they are followed.

To protect the integrity and safety of your personal information, the information management system that stores your personal information has received proper maintenance, and complies with related competent authority’s rigorous demands to guarantee that your personal information will not be improperly obtained or destroyed. This company’s personnel have gone through complete information privacy education, and fully understand that keeping user information confidential is our basic responsibility any breach of confidentiality will be punished by related laws and the company’s internal regulations. This company will completely save your personal information in our information storage system and use tight protection measures to prevent unauthorized personnel from getting in contact with it.

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This website might use this information to notify you of the newest information, services, and activities that you might be interested in. This website’s user personal information will be used for our company’s internal business purposes, including customer service and responding to requests…etc.
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